
Insight is power

A message from GET Solutions CEO

Dear Valued Customer,

I hope you are keeping safe and well.

The world has been facing extreme global challenges over the past few months and we are all currently awaiting direction from Government as to when things will return to normality, or indeed clarification of what normality will look like.

Whilst I cannot confirm how and when this will happen,  I can assure you that we at GET have continued to work through these difficult times to look at how we can play our part in helping businesses through and beyond this crisis.

GET are currently providing critical power at a 25% discount from grid prices to the Holiday Inn chain which is housing key workers under the Governments COVID-19 initiative to support frontline workers. This is saving tens of thousands of pounds per site at this fragile time.

The Energy Revolution - CHPvsGRID

Grid power vs G-GEN™ generated power for one hotel providing accommodation for key workers

We can provide power and heat through our highly efficient G-GEN™ engines with zero capital investment. GET will conduct a free appraisal and detail real savings which are available immediately.

This is a great way to reduce current and future energy costs and the time to jump on board is now.

We look forward to supporting a more sustainable and cost-effective energy future for all of our customers.

Best Wishes

Alan Dodd
GET Solutions UK

Click here to take a G-GEN™ virtual tour

If you would like to find out more about The Energy Revolution ™ and how it can help your organisation please contact, or telephone 024 7630 8830.

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