A message from Alan Dodd. GET Solutions CEO

I hope you are keeping safe and well.

We are all now facing extreme challenges, and whilst the situation appears to be improving slightly, it’s not clear when we’ll get back to normal and what normal may look like. But I wanted to reassure you that we are here to help and that even this cloud has a potential silver lining.

GET are currently providing critical power at a 25% discount from grid prices to the Holiday Inn chain that is housing key workers under the UK Governments Process C19 initiative, this is saving tens of thousands of pounds per site at this fragile time.

We can provide power and heat through highly efficient combined heat and power engines with zero capital investment.

GET will do a free appraisal and detail real savings available immediately. This is a great way to cut current and future costs and the time to jump on board is now.

We look forward to supporting a more sustainable and cost-effective energy future for all our clients.

Best Wishes
Alan Dodd